Should You Buy an Organic or Inorganic Mulch for Your Garden?

Mulching is an important way of improving your garden by reducing water loss and suppressing weeds. However, with so many different types on the market, you may be confused as to which type to use. Here is a quick guide on whether to use organic or inorganic mulch.

Organic mulches

Organic mulches can be made from a wide variety of materials, but all of them are designed to break down over time. This has the advantage that they will add nutrients to the soil. Some of them are made from wood chippings or bark. These will break down slowly and improve your soil quality, but you need to be careful as in the short term they will remove nitrogen from the soil while they are decomposing (although it will all be returned when the process is finished). You should therefore only use it on plants that do not require a lot of nitrogen, and perhaps supplement it with an organic fertiliser.

You can also use organic mulches which break down much more quickly — for example, a layer of compost or leaves. You may find however that these break down too quickly for your needs and will need to be topped up or replaced regularly. This need not be a problem if your main concern is to add nutrients to your soil, but it is something you will need to keep an eye on.

It is also worth remembering that some kinds of mulch may come with hidden extras. Grass or straw mulches may contain seeds that can germinate and cause problems. It is also possible that mulches made from hay will contain traces of pesticides. Your supplier will be able to reassure you about this if you have any concerns.

Inorganic mulches

Inorganic mulches, by contrast, are designed not to break down, and should therefore only need to be applied once. They are typically made of stone or gravel. These mulches do not improve the soil in any way and can hinder plant growth. They are also more difficult to remove if you change your mind about the layout of your garden. However, they have the advantage of looking very attractive and are perhaps best used for decorative purposes.

Choosing the right mulch can play a key role in successful gardening. If you are not sure which to go for, your supplier will be happy to recommend the best type. Mulch delivery can make your life much easier as well, so inquire if your supplier offers this service.
